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My thoughts today about gratitude are how thankful I am that the rain has finally stopped. Today is a perfect day with a blue sky and moderate temperatures. It is absolutely beautiful.
I wish I could package it up and send it to anyone that needs it.
But since I can not do that I will just say how blessed we all are today.
We had a beautiful day too. I love the cool air and sunshine. Makes you feel grateful for life and all you have.
We are finally without rain today. After a week and a half of wet, this is a good choice.
Tuesday's Tales #1 - John
Have a wonderful and bright day. I'm flying all day back home. See ya on the flip side :)
We're having just such a day here, too Pam. Do I have you to thank for that? If so, well Thank you dear friend!
Seeing the sunshine always cheers me up. Enjoy your day of gratitude.
Have a terrific day Pam. Big hug. :)
Sandi McBride, if you had the hot summer that we had, then I think you would put that on your gratitude list. Our summer was awfully hot and humid. LOL!
As for me I really appreciate this little bit of cool weather. It makes me feel human again!Ha Ha
Safe journey Thom and I will be here when you get back.
Glad you have a beautiful day ours was cold and dismal but I'm glad I'm alive.
We've had rain for the past week and are expected to get it for another week but I am so grateful that my house is warm and I have a roof to shelter me from the cold!
When you figure out how... I'll send you my address ;)
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