Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We are not in Kansas anymore...

What a dreadful night night this has been. There have been tornadoes everywhere in east Texas. One touched down in Waskom and did some damage, but thankfully no one was hurt. Pine trees broken like toothpicks along I-20 and houses demolished. This is a very small town and it is where I work at this one-hundred year old house that is a gift and garden shop. It was not damaged, but a lot of electric poles are cut in half. I guess I will see the damage tomorrow.

My friends FB me to make sure we were OK, then they had tornadoes as well, but no damage. If there is one thing I can't stand it is tornadoes. Too many bad memories of them as a child. We are so blessed by the technology to give us advance warning when a storm is becoming a real threat. In the old days, we had nothing but the color of the sky, the direction of the winds and the tale tell sign of hail. You can not imagine how bad all this weather looks on a 55 inch HD flat screen TV. But what scares me more is that we currently live in a pre-manufactured home built on pier and beam. It is secured to the ground. I told Hubs that we should build a storm shelter for six people. He ask why? Well for you, me, sister Candy, three big dogs and three cats.

At first we thought about building a house, but this one is fairly new and we are really busy with clearing the land. We had a huge deck built on the back. My builder said the safest place during a tornado would be under neath the deck because of all of the cemented post. I am not that desperate yet. My neighbor lives in a Quonset hut and it will sustain winds up to 185 mph. I have gone there before, but thankfully no tornado then.

So I close tonight with gratitude that no one was hurt. Gratitude that we have a roof over our head, we have food and water. We are so blessed beyond measure. It breaks my heart that the Haitians have experienced another earthquake. How much more can they take? Tonight, I close in prayer for Haiti and all the survivors, the doctors, the search and rescue teams,the children,those in pain and those that have lost loved ones. May God lift them up in their darkest hour.


DeEtta said...

You will be in my thoughts and prayers. So grateful you are OK. Stay safe and know you are loved.

Finding Pam said...

Thank you DeEtta for the prayers. I really appreciate your love and concern.

Rudee said...

Like earthquakes, tornadoes are frightening because they can be unpredictable--even with early warning. One would think January would be a time of respite from the threat. I hope you get that shelter built. I can't imagine a deck being all that protective.

I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers, too.

Sandee said...

Mother Nature seems to be awfully busy of late. Lots of nature related events. Haiti, and the flood in southern California. Nothing compares to Haiti though. I'm glad all is well where you are.

Have a terrific day Pam. Big hug. :)

crochet lady said...

Amen Pam. So sorry to hear about the tornadoes there. I guess being in the dead of winter here in WI it seems hard to imagine tornadoes.

So glad you are ok. Those kinds of storms are so scary. Growing up, the farm next to ours was demolished in a tornado, completely flattened. Thankfully our neighbors had made it to the cellar before the damage hit and they were ok.

In whatever house we own, I would always want to have a basement, if only for the reason of having a place of shelter in a storm. Hope you can build a shelter that will be a little more secure.

Nessa said...

So very scary. You are in my prayers.

♥Mimi♥ said...

So happy that you are safe and sound. Yes, all one needs to do is think about Haiti and it puts everything into perspective IMMEDIATELY. I have NO gripes whatsoever. Even shoveling my snow is a blessing!

Dawn Drover said...

I'm glad you're okay Pam. Hopefully you won't have to live under your deck!
Stay safe :)

Chickie said...

Oh, wow. I'm glad you are okay!

Melissa Mashburn said...

I am super glad you are OK. We get tornadoes through here too. Last year was so bad. I know what a scary feeling you can get when there is tornado after tornado going through your are. I will be thinking about ya'll and your safety.

Mark said...

You are blessed. Stay safe.

Mimi Lenox said...

I am so glad you are OK, Pam. I've been away on hiatus (long story!) and catching up now. I came to read the Queen's Meme and saw this.

Holding you in my thoughts and prayers.