I think someone wanted to see our back deck. Was it you Michelle? It has been too hot to go and take photos. We had a little cool spell(in the mid nineties)so I ventured out. I hope you enjoy the pictures. The garden is all gone and my flowers have all but died. I am waiting on fall.

You can see the building on the far left that we moved, the travel cottage and our storage building.

To it's final destination

Carport view looking to back yard. Moon flower growing up trellis

See the carport on the right? We moved it yesterday to another spot in the shade.
It was in front of the railing.

Hubs turning the corner with 4x4 skids
He made the turn

Moving the carport inch by inch
From here we took a ninety degree right turn down to the trees
No more pictures because I had to help him move the carport with him on the tractor and me on the Rhino. Move a little then move the skids, repeat that 10 times and you get the picture.

Upper deck

This is our lower deck that goes to the carport.

Bruno, the bird killing cat, only goes outside when chaperoned.

My glider that I love, but I have not been outside long because of the heat and humidity.
I will hang out here in the fall and watch Nature at it's best.

I have my view back.
This morning I took photos of one of the deer families that come to feed here.
I will post those later.
How beautiful. And it looks like no neighbors right in top of you. It sure is pretty. Thanks for sharing and have a great day.
It was me Pam..Thank you so much for taking the time..I love your deck and especially love the glider. I want to get one for our yard, but haven't seen one that isn't a ton of money. Hope you are feeling OK...thanks for stopping by... hugs.. Michelle
Thom, thank you for the comment. We are deep in the country. I do have some neighbors across the front, but none in the back yard.
The deck faces west, so it has been hot. Thank goodness for some cooler weather.Hugs to you Thom.
Michelle, gliders are so expensive. Have you tried looking at junque stores or yard sales? Mine is wicker that is suppose to take the outdoors. It has lasted a while.
I am feeling pretty good right now. I am just busy with all of the unfinished projects. Have a great week. Hugs to you.
Beautiful back porch. It has been way too hot. I am waiting for Fall, too. That's when it's nice to enjoy the deck.
I love your view very much. I love that deck even more. What a wonderful place to have coffee in the mornings. Just saying. Thanks for sharing your view with the rest of us. I can't imagine moving a carport though. Slow going it sounded like.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
Wow, you have quite a lovely spot there. Hope you get to enjoy some cooler days relaxing on your beautiful deck.
Nessa, do you think Fall will ever come. Our temps are still way above normal.The heat is so oppresive and makes me grumpy.
I hope soon we will be sitting on our decks and enjoying ourselves.
Sandee, you can't imagine how hard it was to move the carport. It took us about three hours. It was so draining because of the heat.
I am so happy that we moved it.
Crochet Lady,when we had the deck built we wanted a cover, but decided not to because we would loose the night sky. I usually place misters in the spokes of my umbrellas and that keeps it cooler.Thanks so much for coming by and commenting.
Thanks for the tour of your back deck. You have made it a place of beauty. I can just imagine it in the fall. You live in a beautiful place, away from the hustle and bustle. Can't wait to see the deer family that comes to visit.
Man, what beauty. Are those water containers for the humming birds? I love your house. I love the nature God has put you in. I am jealous, but a good kind. Blessings.
Oh it's all beautiful!!
I have a glider on the patio too and I just love it. We were lucky with the weather here in May and June so I spent most days sitting on the glider in the sun reading. Bliss!!
DeEtta, thank you for the nice comments. I really enjoy the country. It just takes so long to drive to get groceries, but I am finally getting use to it. THe deer post will be next.
JBR, those are hummingbird feeders with sugar water in them. Thank you for the kind thoughts about our place. It is indeed a blessing to have the land and all the animals that we are blessed to feed.
Akelamula, The glider reminds me of my childhood with my grandmother. I love to be outside, so I look forward to Fall and some cooler weather.
Pam it's so pretty! Very inviting. I love outdoor spaces and yours is really nice.
Jennifer, Like you I love the outdoors. I would rather be outside than inside any day. Thank you for stopping by and leaving the nice comment.
It all looks so pretty!
Fall is just around the corner, I hope!
Debra, I hope you are right about Fall being just around the corner.
That looks like a fantastic place to hang out.
Travis, it has been so hot this summer that we hardly went out on the upper deck. It is a good ten degrees cooler in the carport area.
We did have some guest this past weekend and we did sit outside, but the bees kept swarming us.
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