This is our granddaughter, ALi. Remember she came to visit us with her Daddy for our youngest son's graduation from the Fire Academy. ALi is a girl after my own heart. She loves baseball, soccer, gymnastics. She reminds me so much of her Daddy. That is her brother, Bryan in the back ground.

Ali is learning how to play the violin.

Ali just got her first American Girl doll. She named her Elizabeth. I am so glad that she loves dolls. For most of her life she loved horses. She can tell you anything about horses.

Ali's bedroom with her horses

Ali and her Daddy. Ali has a pink compound bow. I love that she can go from being a tomboy to riding horses to shooting her bow. These are really good things for a girl to know.
She is just adorable. And the many things she can do. Good for het. So cute.
That's the cleanest bedroom I've ever seen. Just saying. She's going places. That's what I think anyway. She's a cutie pie too. Must take after her grandma.
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
I love the fact that she has such varied taste in things, that will serve her well in the future! Great post about your cute g'daughter :)
I've been remiss in commenting lately, though I have been visiting... this summer has been a bit nutty...
Thom, thank you for letting me brag a little.
Sandee, I imagine that she has just cleaned her room for that picture. She is neater than her Daddy was as a little boy. Her mother is beautiful and has raised such a sweet girl. I was a tomboy as a girl.
Hugs back to you.
Mielikki, She had to wait a long time because of her older brothers, but now is her time. We are just so proud of her. I like that she knows no limitations in what she is able to do. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I understand about not visiting. I am guilty too.
Ali is a "Cutie patootie" and is well rounded in her likes and interests. Love the American Girl Doll and the pink bow.
Beautiful Pam. I always loved archery. Blessings.
Ali is obviously a girl of many talents. :)
She is lovely! Baseballs, bows, horses and dolls! Wow! Her interests are so diverse.
Ali seems to have a lot in common with my oldest, Jane. They both like soccer, horses, and American Girl. She's always been a tomboy too, but she's never shot a bow (although she has become anti-pink and would never have a pink one).
She beautiful and strong and has many wonderful skills.
DeEtta,thank you for the sweet comments. I like that she cares about other kids feelings and would not want anyone to be left out.
JBR, thank you. I appreciate your comment.
Prudence and Sissy and Joyce, thank you for your comment.
Akelamula, Ali is very well rounded. SHe also scrap books with her mommie and does crafts too.
Rudee, she is all that and more. Gee... can you tell that I am proud.
Shari, thank you for your comment and for stopping by my blog. How old are your girls?
Nessa, I can thank her mommie and daddy for all of her different intetest. She is a sweetheart.
Hello Pam!
Oh my oh my....I think your Ali is a kindred spirit. I have loved horses since I was just a little thing...I was truly 'horse crazy'! I never got it out of my system until I was in my mid 30's when I got my second third and forth horses. I would DREAM horses even as an adult! Eventually I 'grew' out of it although there are still days I think about getting one now that we live on a farm. And in 2005 my husband and I took up 3D archery. I just sold my beautiful Hoyt compound bow a couple of weeks ago..a bad shoulder made that decision for me. My husband still has his bow and when he has time he shoots targets. I never learned to play the violin but have always wanted to...I did take piano lessons though. So you see...your granddaughter and I have a lot in common! Oh...about the down comforter you asked can still have one because you normally put them in a duvet cover. You can buy them online or I think at JC Penny etc. I made one with two flat sheets and with all the beautiful sheets available now you could make one to suit your room. I have stayed in hotels in Paris and in Scotland where they had down filled comforters (duvets) in duvet covers and no sheets. I always still put sheets on the bed but this way when the comforter cover get's dirty you can just slip it off and wash it. That way your down comforter stays clean and fresh! I hope you still consider getting one...if you've never slept under one you will love it I promise...they are light but warm and cozy at the same time. Let me know what you decide to do ok?! Have a wonderful day.....Maura :)
From bows on dolls to bows on the archery range, she sounds like a well rounded young lady.
Maura, when I see how well adjusted ALi is it makes me so happy. I see the same thing with my nephew and his wife and two small children.
My sister and I never had all the advantages that these kids have today. Our mother did not want to be a mother, or wife and we were the last things she ever thought about and it mades me sad.
The greatest advantage is the love from their parents. After watching them parent, I think we did pretty good with our own kids.
Yes, it appears you and ALi are kindred spirits. I like to think that she gets her musical ability from me, her beauty from her mommie and her brains from her daddy.
I had not thought about making a duvet cover. Where did you find your sheets? Now they are all sold in sets? I will be checking it out. Thanks so much for the information. Hugs to you and your gang of critters.
Jeff,You can tell I am so proud of her. My son says that living with Ali is like living with me. I think he reminds her of me, but she reminds me of him as a little boy. Don't you just love your kids?
Ali is a beautiful girl, and well rounded too.
Love her A G doll- my two girls got one each from Santa when they were about 8 - I think I loved them even more than they did, and i've kept them even though they wanted to get rid of them!
Thanks for visiting my blog. I'm glad you liked it. We do love our dollies in this house. My oldest is 10 (she also plays the violin!) and I have a 6 year old and a 16 month old. They're my gaggle of girls. LOL
You have a lot to be proud of Pam! She's a beautiful child and so well rounded. Justine was infatuated with horses as well. Her room was a horse shrine and I still have her favorite horse toys. Dolls... well they were only good if they could sit on the horses :)
Dawn, thank you for the comments. I had to laugh at the only use for dolls for Justine was to ride on the horses. I hope she is doing great in school. You have a lot to be proud of with her. You raised a wonderful young woman. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Love ya,
Isn't it great when they have diverse interests?
She is just precious....Thank you for being a dear blogger friend Pam... hugs...Michelle
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