Looking at this picture, you would think that our critters never eat. They are certainly trying to get Doc's attention. The reason they sit in front of him is because they know he will feed them a bite. Big bunch of beggars!

That's about all I know right now. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
That is funny - 3 pair of eyes not letting him out of site!
Hi Miss Pam,
We love your fur kids. Hm, begging, we think it's in the genes. (o: Same at our house, except me & Sissy beg too. Hey, it works!!!
Heaps of Hugs
Prudence & Sissy
What fun photos. Thanks for sharing these :) I love pretzels :)
I love how "at home" and connected they are, I love it. :-)
Happy weekend to you too
Love Gail
Lailani,They never let him out of sight!
The Bear's Blog,Why my dear Prudence I find it hard to imagine that you and Sissy must beg because you bears are just too cute.
Hugs to you girls and Mom, too.
Thom, haha...I never imagined that the dogs would eat pretzels, but they do. Many thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment.
I hope you are having a great weekend.
Gail, they are definately connected to all of us via food! You might not like it when the two dogs start racing inside the house.
Peace and love,
Love the pictures, they
are "priceless". The dogs, Bruno, and Doc all look contented and happy. Thanks for sharing a part of your world.
I live with a furry mooch, too. He stole my fortune cookie from me tonight, fortune and all. One moment it was there, and the next, I only saw crumbs.
I called my daughter over to look at the picture and we both just cracked up. That is the cutest picture!
Thank you for making our evening Pam! I hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Sending big hugs and lots of love your way!
DeEtta, I just think it is funny that they know he will give them a little bite.
Rudee, I hope Leo had a good fortune in his cookie that he took from you! Don't animals do the funniest things.
Jennifer, I think this picture is so funny. I am glad that you thought so too. Sending those hugs back to you. Love you guys and have a good weekend.
My Mr Tucker gets up and sticks his nose in my food business all the time. He knows that sometimes he'll get to lick the plate, depending on what the food is.
Travis, it makes it hard to have company when you have a cat that likes to lick the plates. haha!
Wow, and i though one pair of brown eyes staring at me while I eat was bad enough.
I always gave in to our dog when he sat drooling. ;)
I love this Pam...I love how they sit there watching doc....and the whole picture just seems so cozy and warm...
Oh my gosh--mine are the SAME way!!!
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