I always look past the outer shell of a person into their heart. It is just not an issue to me. It should not matter, if we are to love our neighbors as ourselves. Every year I write on the subject of LOVE. It starts with me and then I want to pass it on to you. The challenge is to love the people of this World and not discriminate against anyone. Tall order I know. I believe that we all have the same needs and wants. Love is a powerful tool especially when we are afraid to go out of our comfort zone and extend the hand of kindness. I also believe that we all feel pain and the hurt of discrimanation. I ask you to look past our differences and speak from your heart.
If we would stop thinking about ourselves and care more for others then the World would be a better place. Love is when you put someone Else's needs above your own. Once again, I challenge you to love unconditionally anyone that comes in your life.
Beautiful! Happy peace day to you and your family!
Such truth in your words. Thank you Pam for sharing a message we all should take to heart, but find hard. Blessings.
so beautifully written - I like to think I am unconditional - I love purely and honestly and non-discriminatory. it feels right :-)
Love to you
Beautiful. I will try. Simple yet hard.
Love the light shining through the hearts.
Beautiful Peace Globes Pam and I love your message.
Peace to you and yours m'dear. x
Peace to you, too Pam, and to us all!
Interesting concept. I find unconditional love difficult for those I don't really know, but I believe I can unconditionally respect humans and their individual beliefs.
Beautiful peace globes and beautiful words...
"Love is when you put someone Else's needs above your own."
So true my friend... peace to your and yours today!
This is a great post for the BlogBlast Pam....Michelle
Have a terrific day Pam. Big hug. :)
:) Thank you for sharing!!
Beautiful Pam! Peace my friend.
Debra, Thank you and Happy Peace Day to you and yours.
JBR,It could start with just a few folks...just saying. I know I am a Pollyana.
Gail, I think you do love unconditionally, purely, honestly and non-discrimately. It is sorta of one of the things Jesus would do. I try to love everyone I come in contact with that kind of love.
Peace and love to you ,
Nessa, thank you. You are so very sweet. It works best when you find the meanest most arnery person you can find and let go and just embrase that person.
Jamie, Thank you for the nice comment. Travis helped me.
Akelamula, thank you my friend. Nice to see yours too. I just got home so I have lots of catching up to do. I hope it was a peace filled day.
Sandi McBride, What a treat to hear from you! Peace to you my dear.
Rudee, I think with the work you do that you must already love uncondtionaly. You sure do put your heart in to your job.
"I believe I can unconditionally respect humans and their individual beliefs". I love this statement.
Dawn, thank you for the lovely comment. I loved your globe.
Peace to the worker bees. You did a great job.
Rambling Woods, Michelle, thanks for stopping by and leaving the nice comment. Peace to you.
Sandee, thank you for stopping by and sharing Peace with me today. Big Hugs to you.
Lalani, thank you my friend. Peace be with you always.
Jennifer, Thank you for the comment. I hope you got your globe made in time. I will be around later. I hope you enjoyed all the Peace globes on the internet today.
Peace Pam, I am glad I could stop by and visit you!
great peace post...rock on
Excellent and beautiful thoughts!
Unconditional love, for everyone that comes into my life. Yes, a tall order. I'll practice until I get it right!
Thank you, Pam!
Wonderful peace globes and words. Dona nobis pacem.
Bloggin'with Amanda, Peace to you as well. Thank you for stoppping by. I will be around later to read your post.
Coopernicus,Thanks for stopping by and may your heart be filled with Peace.
Ferd, I like that you are willing to try it. That speaks volumns about the person you are.
Carver, Peace be with you always.
Oh what a beautiful message, Pam!!! Such truth, but not always easy to do...so I thank you for that!!!
Sending hugs your way,
Cindy, anything worth while is never easy, but we can start with small steps.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving your sweet comment.
Peace and love,
Brian, thank you for the comment and may peace be with you always.
Beautiful Peace Post!
Happy Friday,
~ The Bunch
Inspiring peace globes and inspiring words.....wonderful!
Cats, Goats and Quotes,Peace be with you too.
Sherry Blue Sky,thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. Peace to you.
Shannon W., Peace to you.
Nice post about peace!!! Your peace globe is lovely!
btw, thanks for dropping by my site!
Well said, my dear.
Travis, thank you. I couldn't have done this without you my friend.
Peace to you and Pam
Pam this is so good. Your heart is the best...
Digitalcartharsis, Thank you as well for stopping by and commenting. Peace to you.
Sarah, I think we all share a lot of common traits in kindness, but often people are too afraid to show their hearts.
Blessings and peace to you.
Hello. I'm still blog hopping to read the peace posts. Thanks for yours. I like your peace globes and I liked the hearts. Thanks for sharing about love. Great reminder!
Beautifully written and presented, Pam. Just beautiful. I got such a warm fuzzy when I stopped in here today. Your words about unconditional love are deep and true.
I want everyone to know how much time you have spent on helping us get the word out for BlogBlast and also especially for the time you spent yesterday visiting so many at the Peace Globe Gallery and leaving comment after comment. That was so kind of you.
Love to you, my friend.
I hope you experience peace and joy today and everyday.
Goodnightgram, Thank you for stopping by and leaving the nice comment. I enjoyed your blog and your peace globe.
Peace to Grams that raise their grands!
Mimi, now you don't have to say all that nice stuff(turning pink) because I know that all I did was very little. It is you, Mimi, and all your amazing Bees that I give the credit to. Thank you for being a Peace loving person.
You are indeed a kind and passionate peace queen.
Love to you.
Pam, I hope you find inner peace. Peace to you and your family. Here are some flowers for you.
This is such a beautiful and sage post Pam! I love it, and agree with you! A wonderful message for all to heed! The post and music gave me goose bumps, my gauge for excellence! Thanks for this poignant post!
Great blog
Hugs Giggles
Sans Pantaloons, Thank you for the beautiful flowers. My favorite colors and my favorite flower.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving the nice message.
Peace and love to you,
Giggles, You are too kind. I appreciate your comments about my peace globe.
Peace and love to you,
As always, beautiful! Peace begins with each of us. You are a beacon of Peace as you share your love and insights.
DeEtta, I would save that title "Beacon of Light" for Mimi the creator of blogblast for peace.
Thank you for the comment. I hope you are in full recovery from your surgery.
Peace and love,
That was lovely.
Peace Blessings to you. :-)
What beautiful words, and a great view! Peace.
Wishing you peace and happiness x
[your peace post will soon be linked into the patchwork peace quilt on my blog 'Peace Bloggers Unite' (check under 2010 later on]
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