The clock is ticking away for soon Autumn will be here. Every year it flies by too fast. No matter how much I try to make it last, it's over in a flash. Don't you agree?

I am so happy that Autumn has finally arrived. Did I tell you how much I love this season?

I love all things Autumn. After the incredibly hot summer we endured, I gladly welcome fall with open arms. I like to decorate around my house. It is a grand respite.

Few things excite me more than a crisp Autumn day. The colors of the falling leaves are so vibrant that I feel so very alive right now. Nothing cheers my spirit more than a walk outside to see the leaves turning. Here at our home, we love all things in Autumn.

It is an ever so quick fade of colors from greens to yellow ochre to burnt oranges to intensely colored reds, then deep mahogany reds richly dressed to their splendor. So I try to take it all in as best as my senses will allow me. I feel like inhaling all of the colors, to store them for a rainy day, deep in the recesses of my mind, to recall on a cold winter's day. That's when I'll recall from memory the breath taking hues of fall. Can you tell how much I love fall?

I am like a little kid at fall. I want to jump in the leaves and roll around. I want to roast marsh mellows outside, burn the pile of felled trees ( we still have a burn ban in effect).

It doesn't get any better than walking on a trail during a sunny day. Soak it up, enjoy the day because it will be gone all too fast. Can you tell I am excited?

I look forward to the swell of hungry family that comes to our home at Thanksgiving. We have hosted it every year. Wafting, glorious smells of pumpkin, turkey and dressing, and spiced cider. Sometimes, I don't think I can do it one more time, but then by the time fall comes around, I am eager to get started. I love it when the little kids like to take me on a Nature walk. We collect leaves, you are not surprised are you? In times past, I was always the first one to help the kids make those neat leaf place mats. This year, we only have one little one that might enjoy it besides me.

Time seems so short in the fall and I sense an urgency to tend to all that I can before the dreary, cold days of Winter edge their way in to our beings. I love fall so much that I take too many photos of the trees baring all their beauty. Did I tell you that I also pick the fall leaves? I know it is sad, but I can't get enough of fall. I arranged those chosen leaves on my oak table then I took pictures of them. Something about the way the light hits them. Something about the intensity of the rays of sunshine this time of year. It's magical, it's intoxicating, it's effortless on the part of Mother Nature. It is abundance at its best. I breathe it in to save for future days ahead. Perhaps this Winter, I will start painting the memories in my head of Autumn.
For those of you that read my blog, I was not going to host it again this year, but after much thinking and pondering about it, I said yes. So I'm excited and it is going to be the best Thanksgiving yet.
I love Autumn, too, but this year it has been really, really wet. The colors haven't been as vibrant as usual, but it's been nice to have a reprieve from the oppressive heat of summer.
HI PAM - beautiful images, wonderful sentiments, lovely song all blended in Autumn splendor "thank you"
Love Gail
Hi Miss Pam,
Oh, the Autumn leaves are falling here. Tomorrow morning they are saying it will be in the 30's, and there is a frost warning up.
Time for the fireplace and cozy evenings with M&D. (o:
Heaps of Hugs
Wow you do love fall and then some. It is a nice time of the year indeed. I love Thanksgiving very much and I'm hosting Thanksgiving again this year, but without my caustic brother. Should be a peaceful and joyful day.
Have a terrific day Pam. Big hugs. :)
Rudee, I have yet to figure out what makes the leaves so different this year. I always thought it was the cold weather. We have been here three years and this year the leaves are spectacular. Sorry you have rain, I wish you could send it to us.
Gail, I appreciate your comments so much. Thank you,and love to you.
The Bear's Blog, Miss Prudence,I'm glad that you are enjoying the cooler weather and falling leaves. Love you and the girls.
Sandee, I remember your post last year about Thanksgiving. I hope this year will be the best one yet for you and your family.
Love and hugs to you.
The autumn colours are so beautiful but I love the Spring and Summer. :)
Oh ! Pam your autumn decorations are so pretty, and fall is my favorite season of all. I too become a kid when fall comes. I love to be outside and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Thanks for sharing, and thank you for visiting me, and for taking the time to leave me a sweet comment.
Akelamula, I adore Spring, but Summer is too hot here. Have a great day.
Sue, I appreciate you stopping by and commenting. I need to read more GTC blogs.
I am a Spring lover myself. New beginnings, etc.. I lived on the west coast for so long that I am not at all a winter person, and Autumn is just letting me know winter will be here too soon.
The leaves here are beautiful though.
Sounds like you love Autumn almost as much as I do. I have enjoyed so much walking in the crunchy leaves.
Love your beautiful Autumn decorations!
I just love your fall photos. And you're right about the sun's intensity this time of year, it is awesome.
Beautiful autumn images...and I agree. Autumn is my favourite season (and as we sit sweltering in the heat, autumn still seems a long way away...)
Judy, South Africa
I'm glad you're along again this month, Pam. I loved reading through your list today. Glad you are hosting Thanksgiving, too. It is overwhelming to plan, but the day is always so much fun! I always fall in bed that night in a complete heap, totally exhausted, but so thankful.
- Leah
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