Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday Wordzzle #50

This is a weekly writing challenge from a Views from Raven's Nest. http://http//
NineWord Challenge: ubiquitous, do you see what I see, getting a word in edgewise, wild goose chase, grandmother of five, Freemasons, Pacific Paradise, everything and nothing, insanity prevails

The captain of the airplane ask his co-pilot "Do you see what I see?" "Why no, sir. ""You see that grandmother of five over there. " Yes, I do."answered the co-pilot. "Well, she is the late widow of Paul Revelier, one of the greatest Freemasons of the world? "You're kidding?" replied the co-pilot. "Nope it's the truth." But, buu...tttt... how? Jeff, the pilot said, "The free masons were members of this ubiquitous secret society all over the globe. They desired to improve themselves, help others and spread their knowledge worldwide." "Jeff, as your co-pilot, it is hard getting a word in edgewise, replied John. "Hold on, and I will tell you."

Jeff said, "She has traveled to this tiny little Pacific paradise for a memorial service to honor her late husband." "That is interesting,"said the co-pilot. "How did you know that?" ask the co-pilot. "Well, that is a long story." "You seem to know everything and nothing about her. Why is that?" "If my insanity prevails, I will tell you," said Jeff. "It has been a long , wild goose chase to find her,"said the pilot. "I am a Freemason as well and I have been trying to find her to offer her this first class ticket as a gesture of kindness to thank her," he said. Her husband was my mentor and I will never forget his kindness.

Mini Challenge: shortening the distance, it’s all about bloggers, the Fortress at Pigeon Falls, finding Pam, a raven’s nest

The Fortress at Pigeon Falls has a raven's nest there. The raven is shortening the distance in communications for the good folks at Pigeon Falls. How is that? The raven flies all over and is looking for Pam. Finding pam has never been easy, but we need to find her to tell her the good news. Then she goes on and tells other bloggers the news, too. Remember, it's all about the bloggers and the speed in which the news travels. See how the raven has improved the speed of communications? Well, you know anything is possible in Pigeon Falls as long as Dr. John approves.

Mega Challenge:
Ubiquitous love. Do you see what I see? I have been on a wild goose chase, hoping insaniety prevails and looking for an incredible giant red heart. While looking for the heart, I met the grandmother of five, I tried getting a word in edgewise, but she said I was to go to the fortress at Pigeon Falls for my answer. Everything and nothing would be revealed as soon as the Freemasons returned from their pacific paradise. When they returned, they said shortening the distance was the most important job for today because it would help the florist's delivery route. Why? Well, it's all about the bloggers looking for a raven's nest and finding Pam because if they don't get their flowers on time someone is in trouble today. Finally, I found the big red heart and it had a message on it! It said "Happy Valentine's Day to all of the bloggers that participated in Raven's Saturday Wordzzle!"


Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Wow, you've really decorated for Valentines, gorgeous. Happy Valentines.

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8

Wordzzle Challenge – Feb. 14 ‘09

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for the Valentine's wish.

Are you aware that some of your words have turned themselves black and fade into yout blog's back ground? I had to highlight them to finish reading -- but it was well worth the effort. I liked your second story best!

Akelamalu said...

Oh Bravo Pam, you did a great job with those VERY DIFFICULT words/phrases! :)

Happy Valentine's Day to you m'dear.

Dr.John said...

Three great stories from very difficult phrases.
I liked the pilot in the first story.
Thank you for thinking of all ofus in the last and giving us such a nice valentine.

Finding Pam said...

quilly, thank you for the information as I did not know the words were like that. That's what happens when I am tired.

Alice, I tried? haha

Akelamula, thanks for stopping by and HVD.

Thank you Dr. John...

Raven said...

These were delightful. I like your big heart on the side bar too.

Your new home looks like it's shaping up nicely. Hope you enjoy company when they arrive. The picture of your yard didn't show up for me, though.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Dianne said...

Happy Valentines to you too!!

I love how each of your stories flowed. The conversation in the first story was great

and the mega was so sweet

Richard said...

Happy Valentines day right back at ya. Enjoyed your stories and used your blog as a link in my story.

bettygram said...

Creative is the word.
Thank you for the valentine wish.

Dawn Drover said...

You are a Wordzzle champion!
Happy Valentine's Day Pam!

Sandi McBride said...

Well done! Love the Valentine, and happy "belated" Valentines Day to you!