Thursday, May 7, 2009

The sounds of the night...

Come and join the NATURE NOTES WEEKLY MEME (#8) Posted on Thursdays at 12:00 AM EST. You can post your entry on any day that you wish, but the links will be updated on Thursday. For more information go to

Summer time and the sounds of the night in east Texas. First thing I hear are the crickets chirping I wanted to share the sounds of the night in east Texas. Tonight the moon is almost full as it rises in the sky. The stars twinkle and I see the big dipper. It is humid and hot with no breeze tonight. Usually there is a gentle breeze that makes the night perfect.

You hear the sounds of the crickets and the tree frogs croaking with the buzz of a mosquito, the call of the whippoorwill and the wafting smell of honeysuckle are all intoxicating. You take it all into your senses. It is a delicate blend of a medley of sounds and senses. It takes you back to your childhood memories. I try to enjoy it all before the dreadful heat of summer arrives.





One of my favorite little creatures, the tree frog. I hear them croaking and I see them on the glass of my patio door. They are waiting for the moths and bugs to eat for a night time treat.

The almost full moon rises in the night sky and the stars are twinkling. I look and I find the Big Dipper. The clouds open to reveal a sky full of stars.


RJ Flamingo said...

What a lovely post... I wonder how many of us go out and truly experience the sensations of a spring evening. :-)

I hope you'll stop by, as well!

Anonymous said...

Love it. You know what is just as special as that is the dawn of a new day. It has the same affect on me. Wonderful post :) Aloha my friend

Finding Pam said...

RJ thank you for stopping by and commenting. Nice to meet you. I will stop by your place soon. Pam

Finding Pam said...

RJ thank you for stopping by and commenting. Nice to meet you. I will stop by your place soon. Pam

Finding Pam said...

Thom, thank you for the kind words. I am sure it pales in comparrison to your evenings where you live. Have a great day. Pam

MyMaracas said...

What a wonderful set of photos and descriptions. And how lucky you are to see the tree frogs on your windows! Ours are so shy that I have yet to see one, though there are clearly vast tribe of them here.

I'm planning to do night sounds in Indiana for next time, if I can ever get the video to load. Do stop by and compare notes?


Akelamalu said...

Lovely post.

One of the things I look forward to when I go abroad is listening to the crickets at night whilst sitting with a cool drink looking out to sea! :)

Dawn Drover said...

What a lovely post! And yes I could smell it! Have a great weekend Pam :)

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC Pam...Boy, I wish I could write what I see and feel and you can. This is wonderful for Nature vivid....Michelle

Glennis said...

I like the little green frogs, nice photo.