Friday, July 3, 2009

Happy Fourth of July

Have a safe and Happy Fourth of July. Do you think our forefathers would be turning over in their graves with what is going on in today's government?


Anonymous said...

Same to you. Have a very Happy 4th. I've tagged you on my blog :) Aloha

Akelamalu said...

Happy 4th July Pam. :)

Dawn Drover said...

Happy July 4th Pam!
Have a great weekend!

DeEtta said...

Have a GREAT 4th of July!!!!!!! The answer to your question "YES"

Nessa said...

Happy 4th of July.

Ailurophile said...

Hope you had a very Happy Independence Day. Take care, and have a good week :)

Rambling Woods said...

A very Happy 4th of July Pam...I guess the forefathers would be pleased or not depending on which side of the aisle they were aligned with...