Sunday, May 2, 2010

Not Much To Write Home About...

Every time I start to write something, I think...does this make any sense? Do I really want to tell my problems to the world? I have not been posting much lately because I just don't have much to say. I guess I have the blog blues. I went to comment moderation because of the loonies that send the never ending advertisements and other junk. That really ticks me off.

I have even thought about not blogging anymore. Do you feel this way at times? These crazy times that we are living in scare the crap out of me. All I ever hear on the news is about murder. This is why I try not to watch the news. It is too much! If I hear about another dead beat, crazy looney person killing someone, I think I will loose it.

Well that is all I have to say today. I am headed out to celebrate my best friends daughter's 18 th birthday. I can't believe she is so grown up. I am like an aunt to her. Her mom taught me how to design, and we go way back. So, for today I will have a great time with their family.


GunDiva said...

I think everyone gets the blog blues on occasion. Sounds like you're headed for a good day.

DeEtta said...

Just knowing you are still there is enough to write home about. Celebrating with friends is the best way to get over the blues and the only place anymore to find peace and happiness. When I watch the news I think that there are more good people in the world than bad but they only talk about the bad. I think they should have a "Good News" segment.

If you quit blogging, I hope somehow we can keep in touch. I have enjoyed your friendship, if only long distance. You are a special lady.

Finding Pam said...

Gun Diva...I just got back from lunch with my friends and I did have a great time. I am hoping these blog blues pass soon.

Hey DeEtta, I won't stop blogging, but just may not write as much as I use to. Thank you for your friendship too and you are a very special friend to me as well.

It is just so lonley here where we live. My sister has come to stay with us a while. That has cheered me up. I am such a people person and being without friends reminds me how much I miss them.

Love ya,

crochet lady said...

I don't watch the news either. Blogging should be fun and worry free, heck...otherwise, why do it?

But have to tell you I am glad that you do, I've enjoyed reading your posts and getting to know you.

Here's to you and a hope that the blog blues get banished.

Have fun with your family!

Rudee said...

I get in these funks, too. Blogging is a good outlet for me though, so I'll continue.

I'm glad to see you had a good time.

Sandee said...

We all feel this way from time to time. There are so many idiots on the web that just want to reek havoc. That's all they live for. Why? They don't have a life.

Have a terrific day honey. Big hug. :)

barefoot gardener said...

Yeah, everyone gets the blues. I ignore the news, and try not to think too hard. Don't worry, darlin', the mojo will return eventually.

Finding Pam said...

Crochet Lady, I appreciate your kindness. I have enjoyed your blog a lot and getting to know you.

Rudee...I guess it is normal to get the blogger blues. Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone. How is Leo?

Sandee, It is sad that there are so many people out there ruining blogging. Big Hugs back to you.

Barefoot Gardener, I hope my mojo returns soon because I miss it! I appreciate your comment so much.

I must tell you all that your comments have lifted me up. You are all wonderful blogger friends and I thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

We all get the blog blues from time to time... I just take a break and when I feel like it I start up again.

Akelamalu said...

I think all bloggers go through periods where they can't think of anything to blog about. Just blog when you feel like it. :)

Silver Strands said...

I get what you're saying ... but please! don't stop blogging!


Xmichra said...

I definately get the blogging blues at times. I was in a funk with facebook so much, ijust axed it all together. But the blog.. it's a different outlet if you choose it to be. On your worst "I don't wanna share" moments, graba picture or a poem that speaks to you and post that. Keep doing it, until you want to talk about the peice.. and then it keeps geting easier from there :)

Finding Pam said...

Silver Strandss, thank you for your comment. I really appreciate it.

Xmichra, now that is some good advice on blogging. You are so creative to think of unusual ideas to blog about. Thank you my friend.

Loyd, I am sorry but I accendently deleted your comment. I did receive your message, if you come back please comment again and I promise not to delete it.

Chickie said...

The blog blues hit me too. And I have thought about hitting the delete button on the whole thing more than once.

It's almost like the blog is a pet to take care of.