She is not use to country living.
She is a city dog.
She has the sweetest face.
She ask for very little unlike Bruno who is so very vocal.
She ask for very little unlike Bruno who is so very vocal.

Sometimes I would like to have my own space without a cat in my face. LOL!
Then you add my two dogs
They own me...
Sister's cat, Prissy, is in the travel cottage. We went to feed her and visit her this morning.
She was not too happy and she tried to swat my hand. I will give her that because she is so old.
But she does not own me.
OK...I have to get off this computer and finish up my house work!
I love Carmen. :) The cats are cute too but I'll take a dog over a cat any day. :)
Oh Miss Pam,
We love your fur-kids, how precious they all are.
Housework? It can wait, take time to sit with the "kids", smell the fresh air, any excuse to avoid the dreaded housework. (o:
All of Us
Thom, these two cats will be the last ones I will have. I went for years without a dog and now they own me completely. I am tired of the cat hair and litter box.
I tried to leave a comment at your blog this am, but it went away and I was too lazy to retype it. I will try again later.
Prudence and Sister, I have to get the hair and the dust cleaned up. Yesterday, I swept,vaccumed, then steam cleaned my floors, cleaned part of one bathroom and did a little wash. I am trying to be consistent in cleaning so it won't be so much to do. I just swept the kitchen floor. I use to be so much neater when my kids were young. You could eat off the floor because I kept it so clean, but not now.
Thank you bears and Mom too for stoping by. Have a great day.
Carmen is precious, you can tell Carmen and the cats are loved, it shows in their little faces. Are Carmen's eyes really that blue? We don't have pets because of allergies.
So there is Carmen. Nice to meet you young lady. Being in the country is indeed much different than the city. I'll bet she likes it too.
As for all the kitties? I love them too. I sure wish I wasn't allergic. It would be wonderful to have kitties again.
Have a terrific day and enjoy all your babies. Big hug. :)
Well they're all beautiful. I love Stinkey's face, too.
Aw! I want to scratch them all behind the ears and give them a hug. Very sweet animal folk you've got there Pam!
DeEtta, no Carmen's eyes are brown. I guess that was the camera. I think I am allergic to my cats, but I still have them. They are getting old and I don't think I could ever replace them when it is their time. I have to work so hard to keep the hair and dust down. I wipe the dogs and cats down and brush their coat.That is pretty yucky, but it has to be done. And yes, I do love my pets.
Sandee, I am glad that you got to meet Carmen and my cats. My sister's cat scares me cause she is old and does not like me. IMAGINE THAT...
On the downside we can never go anywhere because of the animals.
Rudee, Stinkey has the cutest face. How is Leo doing?
Jennifer, thanks for the comment. Since my kids have grown up I have more photos of my pets than kids. Yikes, what does that say about me? or rather my married son? He just stopped taking so many pictures of the kids.
Aww...looks like you have some wonderful furry friends in your life. Life is just so much better with pets.
They are all so cute. Fresh air will wear anyone out even a dog. Cats are so much fun with their attitudes.
Crochet Lady, My pets are so loved and the love me back. I am a lucky gal, except when there is an occassional hair ball. Blrsak!
Nessa, Carmen had to adapt to my sister's schedule. Stay up all night and sleep all day! She is a great dog.
Attitud, you mean Catitude! Especially Bruno. Have a great day.
What a great face Stinkey has!
I know what you mean about having a cat in your face. On weekends when we sit for football, Mr Tucker gets between us. He'll hang out all day with us and it can get a little wearying.
But we love the little guy anyway!
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