It is not too late to participate in the peace globe movement. If you need help go to Mimi's blog and she will find a worker bee to help you design your Peace globe.
Mimi's http://peaceglobegallery.blogspot.com/

You go to Mimi's blog and get one of these and then you copy and paste. If you are like me I needed help to complete my globe. Don't worry busy bees are on the stand by to help you create your globe.

Hi Pam, just dropping in wth a message of support for this.
I got a fright when I saw "my name" linked with "computer help", i.e. worker bees!
Phew, it's a different Mimi!
I would likely need help, too.
Sorry Mimi, I didn't mean to scare you. I wish you would do a peace globe. Just click on and someone will help you.
Rudee, I can find you help if you would like to make a peace globe. We would love for everyone to be a part of this movement. If words matter, then this is important.
It just amazes me that the Blog Blast for Peace is HERE. I need to work on my peace globe and prepare my post. Honestly Pam, it got away from me this year and I'm not prepared! I'm looking forward to the big day though.
Have a great week!
Hi Pam,
Just dropping by to say "hi"...and I wanted to tell you that my trinkets come from all over the country--and the world! We go to out of the way places to find stuff for my art...very fun!
Have a great day!!!
Hi gang! I'm one of those Bees ready to help if you'd like a Peace Globe. Just ask Pam...she can put you in contact with me.
And thanks for promoting Blog Blast Pam! You rock!
Jennifer, we have lots of worker bees that are just buzzing to help and assist.
Cindy, I tried to search the internet, but not very much success. Have a great day.
Travis, thank you my friend for posting as a worker bee. If anyone needs help this is the man to get help from. He did mine.
Don't be shy to ask for help. THis movement is so very important to make a statement about World Peace.
Hi Pam - Have you been over to Sarge Charlies lately? Need to go see what happening with him again.
Sarge Charlie
Have a terrific day. Big hug. :)
I'm lost!
Sandee, I will go over there right now. Thanks and have a great week.
She Writes, Please don't be lost. We have worker bees that will help you with a globe. It is so neat to see all of the Peace globes on Nov.4th. Just awesome. SO please let me know if Travis can help you.
Hallelujah Pam! Blessings.
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