Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Work In Progress

It took me about three hours to unload the craft room. I went and ask Hubs to move the exercise equipment. It took him less than twenty minutes. That is just not fair that he is still so strong. Maybe, now that I have an exercise room of my own, I will get a regular regime going.

Today, I finished cleaning the master bedroom. It looks much better with out the exercise equipment in there. I bought a new bed spread, and changed out my accessories and it looks much nicer. This makes me happy to have a beautiful space in which to sleep.

So now all four bedrooms are finished and decorated. I still have two closets to go through again because I forgot what was in them. That will have to wait until another day. All the craft stuff is still in my dining room. I will work on it as I can. Since my sister is going to stay in her home a lot of the stuff is hers.

Junk, stuff, clutter drives me crazy. It is hard to keep a clean house when my other half is messy. I am not complaining because he does all of the outside work. If that were my job it would be full of weeds until cooler weather came.

I just finished my pantry, now to sweep, and mop. If I could keep my house clean then I would have time to read, craft and do things I like to do. I don't know where the time goes.


Just Be Real said...

Glad you were able to accomplish so much and have a strong hubby in the process.

Mike Golch said...

Time I believe has a habbit of flying by when we are not looking for even a second.

Anonymous said...

And you said you would take some time for yourself. When my friend? You need to. A little dirt never hurt anyone actually LOL Glad that's all done and now maybe you can relax and enjoy some time for yourself :) Have a great week ahead my friend :)

Bar L. said...

I don't know where it goes either but it sure goes a lot faster when I am home vs. when I am at work.

Sounds like you got a lot accomplished :)

DeEtta said...

WOW, I am impressed. You have been one busy girl. Don't you just love to sit and enjoy the clean after it is finished. That is one of my favorite things to do.

Mouse said...

There's nothing like that feeling when you've cleared out some old junk that loitered and cluttered for too long! And especially removing exercise equipment out of the bedroom, hopefully that means improved sleep?

Finding Pam said...

JBR, I could not do anything without my Hubs. He is one hard woring man.

Mike, my head is swirling from how fast time flies. I am going to try not to pay it any attention LOL!

Thom, I have to clean when I have the energy, which is rare these days. Of course if I lived where you lived, I would stay outside and never worry about it.

Barbara, when I worked that was all I had time for and I left a lot of stuff unfinished from our move. Now that I am home, I see too much stuff that needs to be done.

DeEtta, that is one of the nice things about cleaning. I love order and having a place for everything. I am still looking for things from our move even though I have unpacked it all. I am trying to find a better way of organizing.

Mouse,we got rid of so much stuff before we moved here. It is hard to believe that I am doing it again. We have this huge master bedroom that is like two normal rooms. The gym in there was horrible. I feel better already.

Melissa Lynn Shell said...

I hate cleaning, but when I do heavy cleaning like this it makes me feel good. Like I accomplished something.

crochet lady said...

You really got a lot done, good for you!

Unknown said...

I know what you mean about where the time has gone? I wake up and it's already the end of May! Best wishes to more time on your hands. :)


Chickie said...

Way to get some stuff done!

I have vowed to clean a closet tomorrow...if you never see me again it's because the closet monster ate me.